Ours and your Tool Kit

Below are just nine services that we primarily handle, if your specific needs aren't listed, please reach out to us


This is the most common type of loan product we offer.Used to purchase items of plant, equipment, machinery and vehicles. Loans are taken out over periods ranging from 12 months to 84 months. Monthly, quarterly, bi annual and annual payment profiles are allowed. The full vat is always paid upfront although we do offer vat deferrals on certain deals. The customer gains ownership of the asset at the end of the agreement once all payments and an option to purchase fee is paid. The asset sits on the Balance sheet of the customer and the hire purchase interest charges are a cost in the profit and loss account. Customers can use the super tax 130% allowances against any hire purchase agreements taken out in the current tax year.


This product is common in the coach and transport industry. The client rents an asset from the funder for an agreed period of time which is generally tied into a contract period. The funder offers a low rental to the client by determining a future value of the asset which is incorporated in to the agreement as a residual value payment. The client pays vat every month along with the monthly payments and can claim these back. The asset is never owned by the customer and does not appear on the Balance Sheet. At the end the customer can purchase the asset if they choose for the residual value agreed at the start.


Unlike hire purchase, ownership never passes to the named Customer/Hirer on a lease agreement. The customer effectively rents the asset for a predetermined period of time from the finance company.
At the end of this period the hirer traditionally has 3 options -
1) Retain the use of the asset by paying a secondary period rental.
2) Sell the goods to a third party on behalf of the finance company.
3) Return the asset to the finance company.
Sale and Leaseback or (HP) Back If vehicles or equipment have been purchased outright by a customer using their own cash flow it is possible to fund these assets either by Hire Purchase (England Only) or Lease provided the transaction is completed within a maximum of 90 days of the goods being purchased.


Spread the cost of your Corporation Tax, Self-assessment, VAT and Professional Indemnity Insurance.

Competitive Cost
• A fixed transaction fee is added to your finance amount and spread throughout your repayment term.
A Simple Application Process
• No hassle of complex application forms or supporting projections.
Additional Line of Credit
• A new unsecured credit line
Boost Cash Flow
• Preserve the cash available to invest in your business as additional working capital.
Spread the Cost
• Pay your tax, VAT and Professional Indemnity Insurance bills in manageable monthly instalments rather than one lump sum with flexible repayment terms over 3, 6, 10 or 12 months to suit your budget. For full information come and speak to one of our brokers.


This is the most common type of loan product we offer. Used to purchase items of plant, equipment, machinery and vehicles. Loans are taken out over periods ranging from 12 months to 84 months. Monthly, quarterly, bi annual and annual payment profiles are allowed. The full vat is always paid upfront although we do offer vat deferrals on certain deals. The customer gains ownership of the asset at the end of the agreement once all payments and an option to purchase fee is paid. The asset sits on the Balance sheet of the customer and the hire purchase interest charges are a cost in the profit and loss account. Customers can use the super tax 130% allowances against any hire purchase agreements taken out in the current tax year


These loans are short term up to a maximum of 18 months but generally taken out over 12 months. Interest is charged on a monthly basis and added on to the loan amount borrowed. In some cases the customer may not have to make any monthly payments and the amount charged is simply paid at the end with the loan. Some companies may charge interest only payments for the period. These loans allow customers to purchase a site or property quickly and gives them time to sort out a standard secured loan within the agreed period. The value of the loan is based on a standard valuation and will be around 60% of market value. The customer must have a reasonable exit strategy either by way of sale or financing.


We are able to offer a range of loan products to allow companies to purchase commercial premises. Loans are from £50k upwards and are secured against property. Terms range from 5 years to 25 years and the period is based on the lenders affordability calculation. These loans are flexible and the customer can make over payments at any time to reduce the balance owed. The maximum LTV (loan to value) available is 70% but lowers to 60% on deals over £1m. Payments can be done on an interest only basis or capital and interest.


We are able to offer unsecured loans up to £350k. Periods range from 12 months to 72 months. These products are available to companies who have at least 3 years trading and are showing a positive trading position. Loans of over £50k are reserved for companies who's directors are home owners.


These loans are specifically geared up for companies who are looking to purchase stock to sell on.
This may be vehicles, or items of plant and machinery. Effectively a loan is offered to clients for an agreed amount which allows them to buy stock. The loan is a revolving facility and interest is only charged on the amount of the loan utilised. As units are sold these are replaced by new ones and this continues on an ongoing basis. The credit limits agreed are reviewed on an ongoing basis.